Now that your properties are opening for business again, it’s time to rethink the overall occupant experience. Enter commercial scent. 

Scent is a powerful tool that you can use in your all commercial properties — office facilities, included. It can sway consumer emotions, boost brand awareness, and help you differentiate your space from competitors. Discover how to further utilize commercial scent for reopenings below.

Create a Positive Atmosphere

While some office workers have enjoyed working from home, others are ready to embrace a new hybrid work environment. As the workforce emerges post-pandemic, facility managers can use scent to welcome back office employees.

The power of scent is influential. Scent can evoke consumers’ emotions, feelings, and memories. Scent professionals have even been able to map scents to predictable results. For example, citrus has been linked with energy, lavender with reduced stress, peppermint with stimulation, and cinnamon with improved concentration. 

For reopenings, create a positive atmosphere with a commercial scent of your choice. Consider choosing a scent that helps relax occupants; after all, some may feel worried about returning to public spaces.  Above all, a positive atmosphere will :

  • Improve the overall occupant experience
  • Encourage longer office visits
  • Boost the number of professional return visits

Scent is a simple yet effective way to create a positive atmosphere that entices workers to keep coming back as the reopening process begins.

Boost Brand Awareness

Brand awareness is critical in the commercial real estate industry. Commercial scent is a subtle way to boost brand awareness, especially since occupants have been away from your spaces for so long. With the help of a recognizable commercial scent, they’ll be able to recognize when they’re in one of your spaces, even if you have multiple properties. 

Many top brands use a specific scent across all of their stores. These scents are immediately recognizable no matter which location residents encounter them in. Be sure to choose a scent that matches your brand guidelines and commercial purpose. For example, an office space should have a different scent from a retail facility. 

In general, using scent throughout your properties will:

  • Make consumers feel welcomed to a familiar space each time they return
  • Empower your properties to stand out as uniformly pleasant environments
  • Help achieve brand recognition throughout your properties

Boosting brand awareness with commercial scent is an effective way of improving occupant’s ability to recognize your properties no matter where they are.

Differentiate Your Space from Competitors 

A lot of commercial spaces are opening at once, which means that consumers suddenly have a lot of options. You have to stand apart from the crowd if you want to attract them to your spaces. Commercial scent is a great tool for differentiating your brand and distinguishing your facility from competitors.

Overall, using a positive commercial scent will:

  • Create an atmosphere that produces better experiences than those of your competitors
  • Help your brand establish a clear branded scent 
  • Solidify a head-to-toe brand experience that differs from competitors

Ultimately, a commercial scent is a great way to give your space that extra differentiator, creating a unique experience that will boost your space’s popularity as employees get used to returning to the office. 

Using Your Commercial Scent for Reopenings 

Reopening your commercial facilities is a great opportunity to create a unique atmosphere that consumers love. Use scent to create a positive experience, boost brand awareness, and differentiate your brand from competitors during the reopening period. 

Ready to get your scent strategy started? Get in touch with ScentBridge today!